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Friday, April 16, 2010

Good News for NY Carriage Horses!

Carriage-Horse Vote

April 14, 2010

The City Council passed a bill on Wednesday that increases the fare for horse-drawn carriage rides and improves some conditions for the horses.

Speaker Christine C. Quinn, who called the bill a “huge step forward,” was heckled by opponents of the carriage trade.

The legislation, which Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg is expected to sign, raises the fare to $50 for the first 20 minutes from $34 for the first half-hour — the first increase in more than 20 years.

The bill requires stalls large enough for the horses to turn around and lie down in, and it requires five weeks of time off per year at a stable with a paddock or a pasture turnout.

The bill passed 43 to 4. It limits carriage horses to 5 to 26 years of age and bans them south of 34th Street and from 3 a.m. to 7 a.m.

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